Habiganj Newspaper - Latest Habiganj News হবিগঞ্জের খবর

Habiganj Newspaper - Latest Habiganj News হবিগঞ্জের খবর

The complete list of Habiganj Newspaper (হবিগঞ্জের খবর). Here we provided all local newspaper that provides Habiganj News, Baniyachong news, Ajmiriganj News, Bahubal News, Chunarughat News, Lakhai News, Madhabpur News, Nabiganj, and Sayestaganj News.

Here you can read all habiganj local newspaper with its 9 sub-district. Habiganj is another progressing and modern district in Bangladesh. Here you can also read Habiganj Online Newspaper (হবিগঞ্জের অনলাইন পত্রিকা) with the official website link. Through this article, you can read Habiganj News and know more about all Hobiganj Newspapers.

Habiganj Sadar Newspaper

Here all the Habiganj Newspaper list. Sometimes people are looking for online newspapers to being updated with the latest news. Below we shared all local newspapers and all online newspapers of Habiganj. The most popular Habiganj Newspapers are habiganj express, Samachar, habiganj news24, daily habiganj somoy, Daily Amar habiganj, habiganj news24, daily khowai.

Baniyachong Newspaper

Check the latest update of Baniyachong News. Here is all Baniyachong Newspaper (বানিয়াচং নিউজ) shared. The most popular and most trusted local newspaper of Baniachong has been shared below. Baniyachong is the world's largest village. Baniachang Upazila is divided into 15 union parishads and these are Baraiuri, Dakshin Paschim Baniachong, Dakshin Purba Baniachong, Subidpur, Uttar Paschim Baniachong, Uttar Purba Baniachong, Daulatpur, Kagapasha, Khagaura, Makrampur, Mandari, Muradpur, Pailar Kandi, Pukhra, and Sujatpur,. From this article, you can read all the online Baniyachong newspapers easily.

Ajmiriganj Newspaper

Ajmiriganj (আজমিরিগঞ্জ) is an Upazila of Habiganj District in the Division of Sylhet, Bangladesh. Find out all Ajmiriganj Newspaper and read Ajmiriganj news online. All local newspapers of Ajmiriganj shared below. Ajmiriganj Upazila is divided into Ajmiriganj Municipality and five union parishads: Ajmiriganj, Badalpur, Jolsuka, Kakailsao, and Shibpasha. Ajmiriganj is part of the Habiganj-2 constituency in the Bangladesh Parliament.

Bahubal Newspaper

Bahubal (বাহুবল) is another Upazila of Habiganj District. You can also read all Bahubal Newspaper online. It is the best place to get Bahubal News online. Bahubal Upazila is divided into seven union parishads: Bahubal, Bhadeshwar, Lamatashi, Mirpur, Putijuri, Satkapan, and Snanghat. All the latest news of Bahubal union parishads is here.

Chunarughat Newspaper

Chunarughat (চুনারুঘাট) is an Upazila of Habiganj District. Read all Chunarughat News online. Here is all the Chunarughat newspaper shared. Chunarughat Upazila is divided into Chunarughat Municipality and ten union parishads and these are Ahmadabad, Chunarughat, Deorgachh, Gazipur, Mirashi, Paikpara, Ranigaon, Shankhala, Shatiajuri, and Ubahata. If you looking for Chunarughat Newspaper, then you can find it here.

Lakhai Newspaper

Lakhai (লাখাই) is an Upazila of Habiganj District in the Division of Sylhet, Bangladesh. All Lakhai Newspaper shared for latest Lakahi News online. If you looking for Lkahi Newspaper, then this is for you. Lakhai Upazila is divided into six union parishads: Bamai, Bulla, Karab, Lakhai, Murakari, and Muriauk. Now check below for all Lakhai News.

Madhabpur Newspaper

Madhabpur (মাধবপুর) Upazila is divided into Madhabpur Municipality and 11 union Parishad: Adaoir, Andiura, Bagashura, Bahara, Bulla, Chhatiain, Choumohani, Dharmaghar, Jagadishpur, Noapara, and Shahjahanpur. Check the full list of Madhabpur Newspaper. Read the latest Madhobpur News from here.

Nabiganj Newspaper

Nabiganj (নবীগঞ্জ/ Nobigonj) is an Upazila of Habiganj District in the Division of Sylhet. All Latest Nabiganj Newspaper is here for recent Nobiganj News. Nabiganj Upazila is divided into 13 union parishads: Aushkandi, Bausha, Debparra, Digholbak, Gaznaipur, Inatganj, Kaliarbhanga, Kargoan, Kurshi, Nabiganj Sadar, Paniumda, Paschim Bara Bhakoir, and Purba Bara Bhakoir.

Shayestaganj Newspaper

Shayestaganj (শায়েস্তাগঞ্জ), also spelled Shaistaganj, is an Upazila of Habiganj District. Latest Shayestangan News read from here. Here all the Shayestanganj Newspaper list shared. Shayestaganj Upazila is divided into Shayestaganj Municipality and three union parishads: Brahmandura, Nurpur, and Shayestaganj.

Latest Hobiganj News Today

Above shared 9 Upazila or sub-district is under Habiganj District. In the modern age, people are looking for a local newspaper to find the latest news of his/her area. Find out all Bangladesh Newspaper list. In this case, we share the most popular Habiganj Newspaper in this article. Do you know what is the most popular newspaper in Hobigonj? The answer is Amar Habiganj - দৈনিক আমার হবিগঞ্জ. This newspaper is the currently most trending local newspaper in the Habiganj District. Not only that, more some popular newspaper lists are:

Daily Habiganj Express: This is one of the most popular local newspaper of Habiganj District. The editor of Habiganj Express is MD Fozlur Rahman and it located in the Commercial area of Habiganj.

Daily khowai: Habiganj newspaper khowai is another reliable local newspaper of entry district. The editor of Daily Khowai newspaper is Shamim Ahsan and it located in Town Hall Road Habiganj.

Daily Amar Habiganj: One of the trending local newspaper of Habiganj and Baniyachong. The editor of Amar habiganj newspaper is Sushanta Das Gupta. The location of Amar Habiganj newspaper is Chirakandi Bagan Bari, Habiganj Sadar.

In this article, we tried to share all local Habiganj Newspaper. So that you can easily find out the latest Habiganj News of these sites. If we missed any site in this list, then you can submit your site here.
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